Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Day Twenty Two: Youtube will be the death of me.

I was originally going to post something completely different tonight.

My copy of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut had finished downloading, and since it's been ages since I've last seen it, I thought I'd do a comparison between my current response and my fifteen year old response. The twenty year old one would have been a long, insightful and thoughtful analysis. The Fifteen year old one would have been "Hur, they swore a whole bunch of times. Also, Boobs."

Yes, I plan my entries around single jokes, and then hopelessly twist a whole mess of words around them. Leave me alone.

Anyway, the point I'm laboriously struggling to get to is that about 10 minutes into the film I'd shifted it up into the corner of my screen while I clicked around on youtube for random stuff, and that's where I ended up spending about two hours watching Boris Johnson in pretty much all his guest appearances on Have I got News for You, Room 101 and that sort of thing, and laughing myself silly.

Now politically, I may not agree with Boris. As a filthy lefty centrist whatever it is you pick when the two main parties horrify you, I generally am turned off by much of what emerges from Westminister. Politics, and all the media, spin and shit just irritates me. That's why I like following it so much. Like anything that infuriates me, I keep wanted to understand the hows and whys.

Boris, in this respect, is quite refreshing. A healthy departure from all the lovely soundbites and shiny-facedness of Cameron, and far more cheery than Gordon. Have you seen Gordon smile? It's fucking creepy.

What's more, it's clear that he's got something that very few UK politicians have, which is actual charisma. Holy shit, it's just nice for a politician to crack a joke! I'm not advocating that we go to the American system, which is all about personality, but guys, let's have some fun in politics!

Although, seriously, Clegg is the fucking man. No, really.

Now, back to youtube!

Now playing: Graham Coxon / Standing On My Own Again

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