Monday, 8 December 2008

Day Sixty Two: Oh right, videos don't count as posts.

So, I've "finished" one of my essays now, with a mere 4500 words to write by Wednesday. I've got the sneaking suspicion that I might overrun that slightly. I will almost certainly fall asleep in the Christmas screening as well, because if I haven't finished my essay by then, I'll certainly have stayed up all night before working on it just to try to do so anyway.

Anyway, I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on youtube (because otherwise I'd have to actually concentrate, and I think anyone who's ever had an essay to do will agree on my sentiment of 'FUCK THAT SHIT'.) and getting generally freaked out at bizarre tribute videos. Some people have too much spare time. After all, I'm only watching weird tribute videos. These people have to sit down and edit them together. It's weird.

Also, I didn't really discuss this at length yesterday because I wanted to sleep quite badly, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS AWESOME.

I've been following the Lonely Island dudes since The 'Bu, and the fact that they've joined SNL was some of the best news I'd ever heard, as I though Saturday Night Live was finally gong to start being funny again. You know, a return to the glory days, when they had actual good comedians and genuinely inspired writing and sketches. Essentially, I want Dan Ackroyd and Bill Murray back on the show. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened, but the dudes are still as awesome as ever.

Also, I still can't get over the way that Timberlake dances and mouths 'Jizz' at the camera. Cracks me up every time.

Now playing: Cat Stevens / Wild World

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