Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Day Sixty Eight: Rambling

So, the thing is, I'm drunk and posting my very second entry of this year in a terribly, drunken, state.

Spaced is on in the most unconventional way possible and it's kicking arse.

Argh you fucking bastard.

I don't know how I managed to get the entire first season od spaced t opalay as my desktop baackgound but I',m excited avbout it.

oh god.

man picked dog.



wgheres that come from?

My ex-girlfriend.


I love you too boss hogg.

the point is that somehow, I need to fill up 250 words somehow as well as formulating some kind of realistic sleep plan.

Honestly, this background and weird version of spaced is weirding me out and I am deeplyt confus3ed about how it came to exist. I mean, seriously, what the fuck.

The honest truth is that somehowe spaced is playing in the backgrou8nf, it'ds wierding me out,m and somehow it's become complete.

ahha haha ahhaaahaa.


So, anyway, because I know nothing about my housmates, all I'll say is that I am writing nothiong specific or terrible about them. All I'm doing is rambling vaguely on while spaced plays in thr background.

The thing is, you need to get that out of the way sooner, rather than later, otherwiae it leasds to terrible tension and stress.

The point is, I need to sleep in a serious degree soon, and I don't realy care about tyhe activities of my desktop background. And yet, somehow they are involved with my life.

Holy jesus fuck.

Anyway, bedtime now. Fucks sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
