Saturday, 27 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Oh, the Internet.
So there's this website called ChatRoulette. It's a neat little site which takes random people all over the internet with webcams and matches them up to talk, or more commonly, demand that each other show them various body parts. Bringing together all the wonderful things from the internet in one horrifying cauldron.
So, obviously there's a compilation site with all the best shots, hilarious reactions, and terrifying pairings. The point I'm making here is that I found the very best picture.

There are a shitload more over at CHATROULOLZ. This is my very favourite thing right now.
So, obviously there's a compilation site with all the best shots, hilarious reactions, and terrifying pairings. The point I'm making here is that I found the very best picture.
There are a shitload more over at CHATROULOLZ. This is my very favourite thing right now.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Scribbled Thoughts from a Long Weekend
*Ripped directly from my notepad when I got in today*
This is the first time I've been sober in about 3 days now. I'm writing this down old school style, on a notepad that I brought with me in a flight of madness. This will go up in the blog later, but for now le me trace my steps to find out how I got here.
A long tiring day at work. Nothing but standard stuff, but man, the day dragged on and on, and was made even worse by how tired I was. Anyway, directly from work, I wind up at the Ivory Rooms, celebrating my sister's 18th birthday, about ten days before it actually takes place. Surrounded by teenagers and parents, I decide to drink to power through. Entirely fucked, I go to bed at 1am.
I wake up in a haze of terror realising three things simultaneously:
I wake up with Mike gently spooning me and declare immediately that we must go to the pub. We visit the local, eat a great deal of meet while watching football and drinking beer, declaring loudly that we are true men. We move on to Nottingham SU, and I lose spectacularly at pool while drinking very heavily. At one point, friend of The Useless Ambition, James Turner turns up to drink with us. He has j2o, and many slanderous things are suggested, concerning his homosexual leanings, minuscule penis and incredibly gay car. Then he drives us to buy more booze and these criticisms vanish into the ether. James leaves shortly after depositing us back at Mike's place, leaving us with nothing but a crate of beer and a solid sense of goodness in the world.
After much more drinking, we head to town, hitting up Nottingham Trent's uni club, on the basis that the male to female ratio is approximately 1-5. I amaze Mike and his flatmates with my display of my magnificent flirt ray powers on the local ladies, and make spurious claims about Mike's dancing abilities on the public display text screen. It's a good night, and a good club, and, much later, we return to Mike's buying phenomenal kebabs and sit up until 5am, watching crappy TV and setting the world to rights.
We wake up to Ozzy Osbourne singing 'Stayin' Alive'. We head into town planning our futures (a company that delivers fry-ups door to door, with a pre-night ordering service) Our millionaire status assured, we break fast in Subway and have a quick half before parting ways at the station. About half an hour into the trip we are informed that the train in front has broken down, and so we're being diverted in some incredibly circuitous route around the country. It's at this point my phone runs out of power, and I start writing some absolute garbage to avoid conversation with the ginger beardy bloke next to me.
Yes, YOU.
Stop reading over my shoulder.
This is the first time I've been sober in about 3 days now. I'm writing this down old school style, on a notepad that I brought with me in a flight of madness. This will go up in the blog later, but for now le me trace my steps to find out how I got here.
A long tiring day at work. Nothing but standard stuff, but man, the day dragged on and on, and was made even worse by how tired I was. Anyway, directly from work, I wind up at the Ivory Rooms, celebrating my sister's 18th birthday, about ten days before it actually takes place. Surrounded by teenagers and parents, I decide to drink to power through. Entirely fucked, I go to bed at 1am.
I wake up in a haze of terror realising three things simultaneously:
- I need to be on the train to work in ten minutes
- I need to put together a weekend survival kit for my trip to Nottingham in the evening.
- I cannot find any underpants.
I wake up with Mike gently spooning me and declare immediately that we must go to the pub. We visit the local, eat a great deal of meet while watching football and drinking beer, declaring loudly that we are true men. We move on to Nottingham SU, and I lose spectacularly at pool while drinking very heavily. At one point, friend of The Useless Ambition, James Turner turns up to drink with us. He has j2o, and many slanderous things are suggested, concerning his homosexual leanings, minuscule penis and incredibly gay car. Then he drives us to buy more booze and these criticisms vanish into the ether. James leaves shortly after depositing us back at Mike's place, leaving us with nothing but a crate of beer and a solid sense of goodness in the world.
After much more drinking, we head to town, hitting up Nottingham Trent's uni club, on the basis that the male to female ratio is approximately 1-5. I amaze Mike and his flatmates with my display of my magnificent flirt ray powers on the local ladies, and make spurious claims about Mike's dancing abilities on the public display text screen. It's a good night, and a good club, and, much later, we return to Mike's buying phenomenal kebabs and sit up until 5am, watching crappy TV and setting the world to rights.
We wake up to Ozzy Osbourne singing 'Stayin' Alive'. We head into town planning our futures (a company that delivers fry-ups door to door, with a pre-night ordering service) Our millionaire status assured, we break fast in Subway and have a quick half before parting ways at the station. About half an hour into the trip we are informed that the train in front has broken down, and so we're being diverted in some incredibly circuitous route around the country. It's at this point my phone runs out of power, and I start writing some absolute garbage to avoid conversation with the ginger beardy bloke next to me.
Yes, YOU.
Stop reading over my shoulder.
Shut Up Already,
This actually happened
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
TV, you lied to me!
They didn't do this much work on The IT Crowd. Today was one of the most labour intensive days I think I've had. Spent the whole morning ripping apart a pair of desks, and creating new work set-ups for two new traders who, I'm certain, will immediately decide that they don't like where they've been set up and demand to be moved. I've never seen a more horrifying collection of tangled wires and miscellaneous plugs and other assorted crap, with the possible exception of the time I first tried to organise my games consoles into working order. A SNES, Playstation, N64 and Gamecube, along with assorted DVD and TV cables. I truly knew what it was to party when I was thirteen.
It's not all bad though. I spent almost my entire afternoon on Facebook and was mean to other people who were in actual demanding jobs. It's been good, but I'm glad I'm never being specific about where I work, otherwise I get the feeling that one day I'm going to wake up to this:

(Via marriedtothesea.com)
It's not all bad though. I spent almost my entire afternoon on Facebook and was mean to other people who were in actual demanding jobs. It's been good, but I'm glad I'm never being specific about where I work, otherwise I get the feeling that one day I'm going to wake up to this:
(Via marriedtothesea.com)
Monday, 15 February 2010
Doctorin' the Tardis
So, the synopsis for the new season of Doctor Who got leaked today:
SPACE WHALES. WHALES IN SPACE.And Daleks and WWII and spacebourne UK and alien vampires, and the return of the weeping angels, yes, but still, SPACE WHALES.
I came in late to the Doctor Who party, I only started watching during the Tennant/Tate era, which managed to win me offer despite the presence of Catherine Tate who is possibly the most irritating woman in British entertainment. I worked hard to catch up though, about mid-season there I was fully caught up on the RTD relaunch episodes, and towards the end I'm pretty sure I was spending an awful lot of time memorising wikipedia articles on the subject. All that aside, I'm placing an awful lot of hope in this season, and that's purely on the strength of Stephen Moffat's writing. He hasn't written a bad episode of Who yet, and with an entire season to play with, I don't think he'll be inclined to start.
Plus, unless I failed to mention it, this season will have SPACE WHALES.
A new era of Doctor Who begins in Spring 2010. This latest series of the BBC's flagship drama programme sees Matt Smith's debut as the new, Eleventh incarnation of the famous Time Lord alongside a new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).
Together they explore 16th century Venice, France during the 1890s and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space.
As always, wherever the Doctor goes, his oldest enemies are never far behind – the Daleks are hatching a new master plan from the heart of war-torn London in the 1940s. But they are not the only strange creatures the Doctor and Amy must face – there are also alien vampires. humanoid reptiles, old enemies such as the Weeping Angels, a Star Whale, and a silent menace that follows Amy and the Doctor around wherever they go…
SPACE WHALES. WHALES IN SPACE.And Daleks and WWII and spacebourne UK and alien vampires, and the return of the weeping angels, yes, but still, SPACE WHALES.
I came in late to the Doctor Who party, I only started watching during the Tennant/Tate era, which managed to win me offer despite the presence of Catherine Tate who is possibly the most irritating woman in British entertainment. I worked hard to catch up though, about mid-season there I was fully caught up on the RTD relaunch episodes, and towards the end I'm pretty sure I was spending an awful lot of time memorising wikipedia articles on the subject. All that aside, I'm placing an awful lot of hope in this season, and that's purely on the strength of Stephen Moffat's writing. He hasn't written a bad episode of Who yet, and with an entire season to play with, I don't think he'll be inclined to start.
Plus, unless I failed to mention it, this season will have SPACE WHALES.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Okay, everything about this is awesome
Did you know that the Muppets have their own youtube channel, and it's pretty much the best thing ever.
Well, you do now. Go watch them doing Bohemian Rhapsody, right now. Actually, first you should watch this:
Well, you do now. Go watch them doing Bohemian Rhapsody, right now. Actually, first you should watch this:
Monday, 8 February 2010
On this day...
February the 8th. A date which will live in infamy. I know, I know, you're racking your brains, or even googling or wiki'ing to find out what's so damn important about this date. Well, there are a few things, like the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, or the first radio in the White House, or the opening of the NASDAQ for the very first time, or even, sadly, the last night-time launch of the Space Shuttle. However, as momentous as these moments in history may be, none of them even begin to compare to the truly blessed event that occurred today.
I finally got away from AOL, and switched to BT Broadband. It is truly a wonderful and amazing time. No longer am I under the oppressive shackles of the evil tyrant, AOL. I am now under the whims of a slightly less oppressive tyrant, who has tripled my broadband speed.
I think I had a point here somewhere. I think it was something to do with the notion that the entire time that I've had a computer, it's been connecting to the internet through AOL, except for those brief, halcyon days at University when I got to tangle with true power, like the 20MB offered by Virgin Media.
Anyway, I want to avoid this sounding too much like an advert, or at the very least, like positive endorsements of any of the aforementioned companies. What you should mainly be getting here is that AOL is terrible, simply awful, a blight and a cancer on society, and that I am finally free. I couldn't possibly be happier.
I finally got away from AOL, and switched to BT Broadband. It is truly a wonderful and amazing time. No longer am I under the oppressive shackles of the evil tyrant, AOL. I am now under the whims of a slightly less oppressive tyrant, who has tripled my broadband speed.
I think I had a point here somewhere. I think it was something to do with the notion that the entire time that I've had a computer, it's been connecting to the internet through AOL, except for those brief, halcyon days at University when I got to tangle with true power, like the 20MB offered by Virgin Media.
Anyway, I want to avoid this sounding too much like an advert, or at the very least, like positive endorsements of any of the aforementioned companies. What you should mainly be getting here is that AOL is terrible, simply awful, a blight and a cancer on society, and that I am finally free. I couldn't possibly be happier.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Hmm, progress!
I think I'm going to start writing again. I've been fermenting an idea I reckon I could expand into a novel for almost half a year now, and had a look back at the notes I first scribbled down on 18/05/2009, and I think I'm ready to start pulling some actual writing out of this.
How well it will go is another matter. As James was so kind to point out, I'm actually no longer living my life as one big weekend, what with the actual employment and all. It shall be interesting. Anyway, I realise that this is of no interest to people, so I'm just going to leave this link here, in which a former vice-presidential candidate commits an error that a ten-year old could probably have called as a bad idea.
How well it will go is another matter. As James was so kind to point out, I'm actually no longer living my life as one big weekend, what with the actual employment and all. It shall be interesting. Anyway, I realise that this is of no interest to people, so I'm just going to leave this link here, in which a former vice-presidential candidate commits an error that a ten-year old could probably have called as a bad idea.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Every cliche about Tech Support is true...
This is because yesterday, after encountering a problem with one of the machines in our office, I told someone to try turning it off and on again. And it worked!
I love this job.
I love this job.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
The 4.a.m Tuesday Update
So, yesterday was my first day of gainful employment. I think it hit me, as I was commuting(!) in with all the other young business professionals, I'm one of those people. It's incredibly surreal. It's been all I.D passes and lunch hours (yeah, that's right James, I get an hour. Suck it down!)
Anyways, thanks to going to bed at something like 9pm, I'm now awake at 4.30, so I thought I'd fire up a quick update today. I'm not sure how likely long updates are going to be during the week, it probably depends how 'busy' I am. Now I'm going to watch Simpsons episodes until it's time for work, and do some light facebook correspondance.
Ah, life is good.
Anyways, thanks to going to bed at something like 9pm, I'm now awake at 4.30, so I thought I'd fire up a quick update today. I'm not sure how likely long updates are going to be during the week, it probably depends how 'busy' I am. Now I'm going to watch Simpsons episodes until it's time for work, and do some light facebook correspondance.
Ah, life is good.
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