A new era of Doctor Who begins in Spring 2010. This latest series of the BBC's flagship drama programme sees Matt Smith's debut as the new, Eleventh incarnation of the famous Time Lord alongside a new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).
Together they explore 16th century Venice, France during the 1890s and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space.
As always, wherever the Doctor goes, his oldest enemies are never far behind – the Daleks are hatching a new master plan from the heart of war-torn London in the 1940s. But they are not the only strange creatures the Doctor and Amy must face – there are also alien vampires. humanoid reptiles, old enemies such as the Weeping Angels, a Star Whale, and a silent menace that follows Amy and the Doctor around wherever they go…
SPACE WHALES. WHALES IN SPACE.And Daleks and WWII and spacebourne UK and alien vampires, and the return of the weeping angels, yes, but still, SPACE WHALES.
I came in late to the Doctor Who party, I only started watching during the Tennant/Tate era, which managed to win me offer despite the presence of Catherine Tate who is possibly the most irritating woman in British entertainment. I worked hard to catch up though, about mid-season there I was fully caught up on the RTD relaunch episodes, and towards the end I'm pretty sure I was spending an awful lot of time memorising wikipedia articles on the subject. All that aside, I'm placing an awful lot of hope in this season, and that's purely on the strength of Stephen Moffat's writing. He hasn't written a bad episode of Who yet, and with an entire season to play with, I don't think he'll be inclined to start.
Plus, unless I failed to mention it, this season will have SPACE WHALES.
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