Monday, 22 March 2010

I do like it when I get to use this tag

So, Americans finally voted to get themselves some of this evil socialised medicine that we've been enjoying in the civilised world for some time now.

I don't really want to spend a lot of time picking apart the nuances and effects of the bill (it's a big step in the right direction, but not as earth shattering as it could be) and I also don't want to pick apart the Republicans (even though they acted like massive tools throughout the entire process, and continually showed why American politics is far more about posturing and appearances than it is about helping the people. (I mean, that's true for almost all politics really. (Wow, that's an awful lot of brackets. Let's close a few of these.)))

Instead, what I wanted to do was link to this thread on Free Republic to point out the hilarity within. I mean, it's certainly wrong that I get so much enjoyment from this, but when dudes start quoting from Episode III:
So this is how liberty dies......with thunderous applause.
as a way to express their anger, I can't help but be highly entertained.

Also, I'm really glad that I don't have so many friends on Facebook that are American. I imagine that a few status updates have been painful to witness.

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