Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Day Eight: The start of American TV

Firstly, last nights guest post totally counted. I've seen what Kate wrote, and while much of it was kinda scary Britney love, the rest was about me and how crazy-awesome I am, so it counts.

It so does.

Anyway, Heroes started again on Monday. Heroes is essentially what would happen if someone started filming X-Men Comics as they were being written, with the same long, drawn out story arcs, as well as smaller, more self-contained plots that are resolved over the course of one episode. It's got a massive cast, only second to Lost I think in terms of the sheer number of returning main actors.

So, the first season was pretty fantastic, the central arc of trying to stop New York exploding introduced in the first episode and resolved very well in the finale, with some incredibly awesome meanders along the way, with brains being interfered with, time travel, and a repeating montage of New York exploding that got updated every couple of weeks for the sheer hell of it I think.

The problem was that Season Two sort of lost the way. Now, it was still pretty cool, introducing a drunken Englishman of awesome, more time travel, more George Takei, and more heroes fighting.

The real issue was that the writers strike sort of halted production midway through the season, and that the writers had to re-jig their grand vision of the future for something else. Season Two closed on a weird, half resolved note, and there was a lot of doubt about how good the show would be when it returned.

Well, worry not. I've seen it. And it. IS. AWESOME.

If you've never watched Heroes before, get season 1 and 2 down you now quickly. If you were just afriad that Season Three would be just more of Season 2's weird bullshit, do not fear. This is all that was awesome about Season 1, and more!

Plus, Sylar's the best villain ever and I'd totally go there.

Hells yes.

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