Oh, and holy shit, Fat Mike was a way better character than Prison Mike.
I've been watching the whole lot of the relaunch of Doctor Who. I only really got into it I the last half of Tennant's lot, so I'd missed what I think was a big factor in the popularity of the relaunch. Namely, that The Doctor in the first season, as played by Christopher Eccleston, is a fucking hardass.
Admittedly, the character has just gone through an apocalyptic war that has resulted in the death of the rest of his species, but he's still a brutal motherfucker. He strolls through the series, calling humans stupid apes, and generally acting awesome. Given that the Doc is usually a fairly nice and easygoing character, it's really amazing to see him completely snap when he meets a Dalek and tries to torture it to death. It's a kind of Batman vibe, you remember that bit at the end of Begins, where Liam Neeson says "Have you finally learned how to do what is necessary?", and BatBale comes back with "I'm not going to kill you" and then smashes the window, and says "But I don't have to save you" and then flies out, leaving Neeson to a firey explosive death?
That's how awesome the Doctor is.
Oh, and finally, everyone feel sad for Toby...

1 comment:
I feel sad for YOU.
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