Monday, 22 September 2008


Holy shit. Behold the ultimate in entertainment. The awes-inspiring cheesiness of British television, combined with the batshit insanity of Japanese TV. The majesty, the mightiness, the sheer wonder that is: Hole in the Wall.

The premise is this. Two teams of three 'celebrities' compete to win £10,000 for charity by looking like absolute idiots. A giant polystyrene wall flies at the 'celebrity', and the have to stand and make a shape that matches the one in the wall to fit themselves through. If they miss, they get dumped into a pool of cold water. And that's it. For half an hour. While Dale Winton spouts inanities. And some dude commentates over the top of slow motion repeats of them falling into the water.

Also, did I mention the skintight silver lycra bodysuits that all the celebrities are forced to wear? The groin injury potential seems kind of horrifying.

('Celebrities' is used in the crap TV sense of the word. The only person I even vaguely knew in the one mighty episode that is up at the moment was Andi Peters who was one of the presenters on Live & Kicking.

Holy shit, I spelled his name right first time. How the hell did I know that it was spelled with an 'i'?


Anyway, this is the best TV show ever. You know like how you'll sometimes see clips of game shows from Japan, or been watching TV at 4am and Takeshi's Castle comes on and it's the greatest thing ever, partly because you're quite drunk but mostly because it's fucking awesome. Imagine shit like that, but with fucking Dale Winton presenting. It's insane. I love that the license fee is funding this madness. Beautiful stuff. Catch it on Iplayer now, or on youtube or something.

Or even watch it at 5:40, every Saturday, on BBC One.

God bless the license fee.

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