Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Day Fifty Eight: Holy fuck, Vampires and shit! Part 2

So, yesterday we discussed the gay and terrible Vampires from Twilight. Well, today, we'll be talking about the much more awesome kind of vampire as found in True Blood.

Now, just as a completely random aside, I've been burned by HBO before. They created Rome, one of the most asskicking and fucking awesome shows ever, with some of the best historical drama combined with some hardcore swearing and violence and absolutely brutal violence. Unfortunately, they decided to cancel it after the second season, rather than letting it play out it's original five season plan. And that really sucked.

Plus, HBO were responsible for both Sex and the City, and, of course, Sex and the City: The Movie, so it's understandable why I'd fear new things by them. I have the irrational fear that anything I see by them will either get cancelled, or turn out to be the most estrogen filled thing since the ovary.

However, True Blood has so far managed to avoid either by being completely fucking awesome. We've got boobs aplenty, swearing and violence and whatnot, and the main character manages to both be female and not a horrifying Mary Sue unlike a certain other franchise I could name.

Admittedly, I'm only three episodes in, but what I've seen so far is giving me extreme confidence, especially given the sheer amount of awesome that we've had so far.

Plus, Heroes has kind of been making me depressed by how crappy it's becoming, so this will fill a nice gap in the meantime.


Now playing: Chris Isaac / Wicked Game


Anonymous said...

It does not disappoint.

Be wise and download the whole series and watch in a True Blood Awesomeness fest. I wish I had..

Also, you are aware that Sookie's boobs are infact Oscar Winning right?

oh, and to remind you GENERATION FUCKING KILL PLS RIGHT?1!!

and also Carnivale. I'm not even going to describe it to you but it's really dark and totally awesome.

Andrew Anderson said...

Just watched a trailer for Generation Kill. It looks badass. That is next on the list. I'm getting my HBO love back now!

Anonymous said...

Me and Gina went to the Twilight premier tonight to see all of the star and stuff.
It was awesome!
Also, you suck.
But i've been re-watching Rome after the last couple of days instead of Heroes.

Rome is awesome!