Monday 1 December 2008

Day Fifty Seven: Holy fuck, Vampires and shit!

I first heard about Twilight this summer. My sister and cousin were reading these books which I surmised were about Vampires and stuff. However, that wasn't as important as Edward. Apparently he's the sort of main character in this series of books, and the writing is mainly centred around how dreamy he is. I didn't really care at the time, to be honest. I was more concerned with getting drunk than about the latest fad that was going on.

Okay, it took me a while to get over Harry Potter, and I wasn't ready to move on, okay?

Admittedly, I did try to read the first one (there's four of these fucking things? Holy shit that's insane.) but I stopped after about a chapter because it sounded like a bad offering. Plus, I had Lord of the Rings to read. Priorities, man.

So, it's only recently that I've been hearing more about this film. It looks fucking awful. Dawson's Creek meets Vampires, and not even in a good way. Also, it's only since it became more widespread that I started hearing more about the characters and rules in this world.

When the Vampires are exposed to sunlight, they sparkle. They fucking sparkle? What the fuck is that? That's the most fucking retarded thing I've ever heard. Seriously? That's fucking terrible.

I mean, Jesus.

The only thing that actually makes me happy at the moment is the way that Robert Pattinson clearly had no idea what the hell he signed up for. Now I picture him trying to think of ways to get out of the sequel contract by, I don't know, getting really fat or growing a hobo-beard or something because, holy crap, the fanbase for this franchise is insane.

Now playing: The Strokes / Heart In A Cage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

t that you even PUBLISHED a page about this shows your secret love for the book.
(I've made a t-shirt for the premier, which I'll show you when you come home!)