Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Day Ninety Four: Talkin' Comics.

Transmetropolitan is maybe one of the more awesome comics that I've ever read.

Now, a matter of perspective here. I'm a huge dork, but up until recently I'd kept it confined to movies, TV, books, the internet...okay, what I'm actually saying is that I do most of the regular nerdy stuff apart from read comic books. Or tabletop gaming. Or, especially, LARPing. Because holy fuck those guys are weird.

The problem is that there doesn't seem to be as much of a massive comic book scene here in the UK as there is in the States. Comic book stores are strange and bizarre artefacts here in Britain, to be examined as curios of a weird and otherworldly culture, whereas in America they've got these things in every town. And that's a true and real shame, because comics are really awesome (and dorky) and it seems to be where Hollywood is getting all its ideas from as well, so that's probably got to count for something to.

This is where downloading comes into play once more, because, like so many pieces of pop culture that I consume on a daily basis, I download my comics. I tell you, the day when everything goes digital and free from DRM, I will start buying shit again. It's the best way to do, hell, everything, because it means I can spend far much more time in my pants, away from the public eye. And I think that's something that everyone can consider a good thing, because I should not go outside too much. Least of all in nothing but my pants.

Now playing: Count Basie Orchestra / One O'Clock Jump

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