Thursday, 19 February 2009

Day Ninety One: Right.

There probably won't be an update tomorrow, as I'm going to Sheffield tomorrow morning, and I've got an assessed discussion at 9am that morning too. And I'm going to the silent disco tonight, which will be most pleasant and awesome, but I'm concerned that a bit too much drinking might take place. So, I'll obviously be bringing to bear my considerable willpower to avoid drinking.

Oooh, I'll also be Rock Banding it up as well, displaying my awesome skills on the bass while Katie drums, Chris takes the other guitar, and Sarah takes on the vocals. Good lord, it should be impressive.

Yeah, so this weekend will involve a massive train ride to Sheffield, meeting up with Mike en route at Nottingham for some excessive drinking and partying with Carol for just one night, then I get the hell outta there Saturday morning to come back to Norwich and write 2000 words about issues surrounding Elizabeth 1's gender. I predict that it will be one of the best essays I've ever written. The problem is that when I get back in, presumable hungover and knackered, I'll be straight online, looking for the latest episode of Battestar Galactica. So there might be a problem there.

You might ask: "Andrew, why the hell didn't you plan ahead, get this essay done in advance and make sure that you don't go out tonight. And seriously, more like Battlestar GAY-lactica dude."

To which I'd calmly and rationally respond: "HEY FUCK YOU PAL"

Now playing: Jet / Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

1 comment:

katherine said...

Seriously dude, do some work.