Wednesday, 18 February 2009


So, continuing on from yesterdays review of Incredibad, the début album from the Lonely Island dudes, here is the second half of the album.

Like a Boss

This is a fucking great song. The same escalation as Boombox, but taken even further. Samberg absolutely tears this up, and it rocks.

We Like Sportz

A sequel to Just 2 Guyz? Man, I was sold already, but this track warrants it by it's sheer rock and roll power. Also, "Like that CUNT HOLE Steve" is actual poetry.

Dreamgirl (feat. Norah Jones)

This is a song about true love and Chex Mix. If you aren't down with that, then you have no soul/ And Norah Jones is pretty awesome on this as well. Getting her to sing that Chex Mix has 60% less fat than potato chips is exactly the reason why I'm so happy that these dudes have broken through.

Ras Trent

I love this track simply because it brought back two phrases that I hadn't heard in ages, and it made me laugh and laugh. ('Batty-Boy' and 'Boomboclat', if you were wondering)

Dick in a Box (feat. Justin Timberlake)

The fact that Timberlake not only did this song, but actually went all the way out with the video as well means that I've got enormous respect for the dude. (Man, seriously, they censor the word 'dick', but not 'bastard' in America. What the fuck is that about?) And man, this is one of the most romantic songs I've ever heard.

The Old Saloon (Interlude)

This manages to hit almost every Wild West cliché ever, and Jorma screaming "DJ Uhgnghgn!" is maybe one of the best things ever.

Punch You in the Jeans

Just a straight up awesome rap from the dudes, and I've started using "I'm gonna punch you in the jeans" far too much in everyday conversation.

Space Olympics

This starts off slow, but builds and builds into something incredible. Just the right kind of soaring epic thing that you'd expect from something that involves "Space Luge". Also, whenever the album properly touches down back home, I've gotta check out the video for this, as apparently I need to be in America to see the awesome.

Natalie's Rap (feat. Natalie Portman & Chris Parnell)

As with Timberlake, this gives me enormous respect for Portman for taking this concept and just completely running with it. Samberg is the only one of the dudes who really features on the track, which I think is fair enough, given that, well, Portman is fucking awesome here. Although, it wouldn't complte without the great line: "my dick is scared of you, girl"


An awesome track to close the album on, with aliens, sex, and video games. The lyrics are so detailed here too, I'm still picking out little in-jokes and references that are buried in there. Plus, we finally learn the true story of how The Dudes came to be, and it's fantastic.

So, while I might be slightly biased here, and at the risk of sounding slightly hyperbolic, I think that this might be mankind's highest achievement in the history of time. You should buy it, and then buy three copies to spread around too.

Now playing: The Lonely Island / Incredibad

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