Friday, 27 February 2009

Day Ninety Six: Skins

So, I might have mentioned before that I wasn't really that into the new Skins. The first couple of episodes didn't grab me and I just stopped watching after that. This will be important later, I swear.

Right, last night I was over at the neighbours, getting dinner made for me and all sorts. I'm honestly not sure why this happened, given that I am a terrible person and generally fearful of human contact, but nonetheless, free meal, so I'm there. Anyway, we finish up food, and we're flicking through the evenings telly. We watched a frankly terrifying documentary on the worlds fattest pets, another fine piece of investigative journalism by Channel Four, and it pretty much just illustrated the basic telly talking points in a very effective fashion.

-Americans are loud, insane, and a bit fat. Also, they stalk people with massive dogs. Also Also, you just need to own a giant dog and apparently you can get onto Leno. Which is insane.

-The British are unflinchingly polite, nice people, even when they are actually complete bastards. Furthermore, if two old men live together by themselves and refer to each other as brothers, then there is no way in hell that they are related. Those dudes are totally gay.

-Finally, Germany is a frightening country where the everyday language is like being yelled at aggressively.

Anyway, it's after this that Skins comes on, and my protestations are cut short by, well, the very nice people who gave me food for the night, so I'm not inclined to disagree with them too much. But still, it wasn't really working for me until they hit that magic area of quality TV programming, something that automatically makes a crap show good, and makes a good show great.

They gave us lesbians. And man, it was pretty sweet. So, I'll be checking out Skins next week, with the firm expectation of even more pretty girls making out. THIS I SWEAR.

Now playing: Bruce Springsteen / Born To Run

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