Monday, 23 February 2009

Day Ninety Two: Oscaaaaaaaaaaaars

So, firstly, I had a fucking awesome time in Sheffield. I'll heartily recommend their union to anyone (Seriously it is called the Octogon, OMGEE that is the coolest thing EVAR), and Carols flatmates and friends were all very lovely to me and Mike while we were up there. Plus Caroline made us epic Bacon sandwiches in the morning, and it was fucking glorious.

Secondly, yeah, I got my essay done. It hurt a bit, but I got it done. And that's all I want to say about that.

Finally, Oscars. Now, I'm only going to be doing the Oscars that people actually care about, because while its very nice and awesome to recognise the sound designers and cinematographers, no-one besides me and all the other film dorks around the world have any idea who they are (even then, it's a bit of a struggle. I actually probably can't name any cinematographers of the top of my head. BUT AT LEAST I KNOW WHAT THEY DO DAMMIT.) So, the awards that people know about then.

This one went to Sean Penn, who was the only likely one besides Mickey Rourke. And while Rourke had that ol' comeback edge, given that he's cleaned his shit up and started making movies again, he still looks like he could beat up most of the academy. And I think the voters are afraid of that. Plus, he still got a nod from Penn. In fact, Penn's speech was kinda awesome, given that he used the phrase "You Commie, homo-loving, sons a guns".
Also, that in a very polite and classy way, he called out everyone who voted 'yes' on Prop 8, because they voted bad and should feel bad for it.

Kate Winslet finally got he fucking statue, after being nominated approximately eleven billion times, and she really does deserve it. Probably not for The Reader though, which is mostly just Kate having sex for the first forty minutes and then wanders off into "Hey, the Holocaust actually kinda sucked, didn't it?" I mean, honestly, it could have just been the first part and I'd still be happy enough with the choice. Winslet naked on camera is always good.


In maybe the least surprising move ever, this went to Heath Ledger, which was very nice of the Academy to do after they passed him over for best actor back in the 2006 Oscars. Plus, it turns out Ledger's sister is pretty hot. (Wait, is that bad? Do you think it might be inappropriate to comment on someones hotness when they're recieving an Oscar for their dead brother? Hmm.)

This one went to Penelope Cruz, who I honestly don't think made much of an impact. Although I may just be saying this because I find Amy Adams absolutely adorable and kind of want to marry her. So, obviously she should win on those merits alone.


Slumdog Millionaire was probably the most deserving one here, given that neither Iron Man nor The Dark Knight were nominated. (My contest would have been close, but ultimately we swing in favour of Iron Man given that Robert Downey Jr. is just a bit more awesome than Christian Bale.)

And this went to Danny Boyle, who again really deserves the nod, given that the man can direct absolutely anything he wants to. The only other possibility was Fincher, given that David Fucking Fincher is extremely Fucking awesome, but Benjamin Button probably should take the nod for Cinematography instead, because the direction really wasn't all that. (OH YEAH THATS RIGHT)

1 comment:

Caroline Worsell said...

Mate, thanks for the mention with the sarnies. I do make em good!

her union isnt called the octagon you fool :-P, its the fusion and foundry but because their gay bi transgender lesbo thing was going on in there we was in the octagon!

just thought i would correct that :-)