Monday, 9 March 2009

Day Ninety Eight: A couple of nerdy things.

Firstly, sorry for the lack of update on Friday. The Natives in America have been showing extreme tenacity, and the Spanish and French are attempting to punish me back in the Old World as well. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that Empire: Total War is absolutely fantastic nerd fuel, a glorious continuation of the Total War series and the most entertaining game that I've ever played where you have to consider the economic ramifications of abolishing slavery as being more important than all that moral goodness crap.

So, tonight I finally saw Watchman tonight, something that I've been looking forward too for a little while. And so, here's the millionth review of Watchmen that you'll read on the internet. Spoilers, probably, so don't read on if you'd like to wander into the film with a clean slate.

-The opening thirty minutes of this film were maybe the best thing I've ever seen. No, really. There was such a massive demand, not only to introduce this universe, but to make it believable, and the title sequence was absolutely fantastic at showing the audience this complete other universe.

-The main four dudes, Nite Owl, Rorschach, The Comedian and Doc Manhattan were all fucking fantastic in their roles. The Comedian had such a tough job in making a character who is essentially a terrible person into someone that the audience is sympathetic to, but he pulls it off with ease. Rorschach and Nite Owl were completely pitch perfect, and scenes with either of the two rocked. Manhattan was always going to be tricky, because hey, it's a blue naked dude who is maybe God and doesn't care about people, but both the effects and the acting underneath were excelllent. Also, props to the filmmakers for maintaining the level of blue dong in the film.

-Silk Spectre kinda sucked, and I'm not sure whether it was a script problem or the actress, but she didn't really do a whole bunch for me. Well, I mean, in terms of character development. She did plenty for me otherwise though. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

(She was really hot, okay?)

-Ozy was done I think as well as he could have been, and the extended throwdown with him Rorschach and Nite Owl was brilliantly done. The only thing that kinda bugged me was the German accent that he kept slipping into. I know him and Zach Snyder had worked out the little backstory for him and whatnot, but it was still a bit jarring.
-Everything set in Vietnam rocked.
-I had no problem with the change in ending from the novel. In fact, I think it works even better, as the entire world has to suffer for the sake of Ozy's plan.
-The My Chemical Romance cover of "Desolation Row" was fucking terrible. Like, awful. That said, I'm happy that it was confined to the credits, as it means I can whack mute on my player when I've got the DVD and I won't have to punish my ears again.

So, overall, I'd say it was pretty awesome. Probably the best superhero movie this year unless something new comes right out of left field. I'd also probably say that I won't enjoy a film as much as this one for the year because I am biased, and I do have an emotional attachment to these characters, and half of the excitement that I had for this film was seeing them so well realised on the big screen without it turning into, say, this. Watchmen rocked my world, and I plan to see it at least one more time at the cinema, because it was fantastic.

And now, just because I can, here's that awesome opening sequence again.

Fuck. Yeah.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Day Ninety Seven: I may stop using the 'day x' thing soon.

Maybe around day 100 or something deeply significant like that. Oh yes, that'll do nicely.

Anyway, apologies for my unforgivable lapse once again, but I was back home over the weekend, and then stayed there until, well, Wednesday morning, so I was slightly cut off from the ol' internet as well as being drunk a bit far too often with Matt.

So, I finally touched down back at university after a hellish 3 hour train ride (They actually cancelled my train. Not even delayed. Well, it was delayed, by about forty minutes, then they cancelled it. Fuckers. So I used about three different trains to transport me to Norwich instead, giving increasingly angry and sarcastic explanations to the various conductors and whatnot on my way up. I'm convinced that none of them were being paid enough to deal with that. So, where was I? Oh yeah.)

Right, I got back to my festering hole of a room, and I've got a fresh and lovely copy of Empire: Total War waiting for me. I mean, I knew that this game would effectively consume my life when I pre-ordered it, but man, I've never been so right about something before. I can't stop playing this game, and I haven't really done much yet. Apart from declare war on France, conquer half of Canada, and take over Florida while brutally murdering Cherokees. Goddamn I love this game. Even if it is taking up literally all of my free time.

Anyway, now I've got to go on some kind of sailing club boys social because James is afraid of them, and apparently I'm a magical social lubricant. This should be interesting, although moreso if James would actually answer his phone, the absolute BASTARD.

Now playing: Portishead / Glory Box

Friday, 27 February 2009

Day Ninety Six: Skins

So, I might have mentioned before that I wasn't really that into the new Skins. The first couple of episodes didn't grab me and I just stopped watching after that. This will be important later, I swear.

Right, last night I was over at the neighbours, getting dinner made for me and all sorts. I'm honestly not sure why this happened, given that I am a terrible person and generally fearful of human contact, but nonetheless, free meal, so I'm there. Anyway, we finish up food, and we're flicking through the evenings telly. We watched a frankly terrifying documentary on the worlds fattest pets, another fine piece of investigative journalism by Channel Four, and it pretty much just illustrated the basic telly talking points in a very effective fashion.

-Americans are loud, insane, and a bit fat. Also, they stalk people with massive dogs. Also Also, you just need to own a giant dog and apparently you can get onto Leno. Which is insane.

-The British are unflinchingly polite, nice people, even when they are actually complete bastards. Furthermore, if two old men live together by themselves and refer to each other as brothers, then there is no way in hell that they are related. Those dudes are totally gay.

-Finally, Germany is a frightening country where the everyday language is like being yelled at aggressively.

Anyway, it's after this that Skins comes on, and my protestations are cut short by, well, the very nice people who gave me food for the night, so I'm not inclined to disagree with them too much. But still, it wasn't really working for me until they hit that magic area of quality TV programming, something that automatically makes a crap show good, and makes a good show great.

They gave us lesbians. And man, it was pretty sweet. So, I'll be checking out Skins next week, with the firm expectation of even more pretty girls making out. THIS I SWEAR.

Now playing: Bruce Springsteen / Born To Run

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Day Ninety Five: Let's abandon continuity!

(Geeky post up ahead. Seriously. Go outside and play football or something.)

One of the major problems with comics seems to be this massive amount of history hanging over all of the characters. If you look at something like DC, which has near 70+ years of back story to it, and has actually rebooted their own history more than a couple of times, then there's just a little bit to the characters there.

This is horrifying and intimidating for a newcomer to comics. It's like watching a soap with no idea who any of the characters are. Worse, it's tuning in half way through, and all the characters carry on as normal, and the audience has no fucking clue what's going on. This is terrible. And, yeah, with the rebooting of continuity thing. As I understand it, Crisis on Infinite Earths was an attempt to slim down the massive back story of DC in order to draw in new readers, as well as getting all the old guard excited with a big crossover event that would affect everyone in the DC multiverse. But, duh, it didn't work. Because it was such a massive event, it informed everything that happened after it. Continuity wasn't wiped clean, it just changed, and all manner of new shit began informing narratives. They've tried to clean it up again, with other Crisis events, but it doesn't work, because all it does is make the backstory for these characters even more convoluted and weird.

This is why there's such a fucking nightmare about adapting a Superman movie, by the way. There's so much legacy to draw on that any film simply gets overwhelmed with it.

So, let's abandon continuity. Throw it out completely. Obviously keep it for standard runs of comic books, the twelve or fourteen issue runs that happen, but get rid of this massive, archaic crap. Because it is scary, and not friendly.

Also, I'll be honest, because I just finished reading the out-of-continuity All-Star Superman and it absolutely rocked my socks, because it takes what everyone already knows about Big Blue and just distils it into the most awesome qualities of Superman punching people in the face.

And know I find out that it was written by the same dude who wrote Final Crisis. Huh.

Now playing: The Rolling Stones / Wild Horses

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Day Ninety Four: Talkin' Comics.

Transmetropolitan is maybe one of the more awesome comics that I've ever read.

Now, a matter of perspective here. I'm a huge dork, but up until recently I'd kept it confined to movies, TV, books, the internet...okay, what I'm actually saying is that I do most of the regular nerdy stuff apart from read comic books. Or tabletop gaming. Or, especially, LARPing. Because holy fuck those guys are weird.

The problem is that there doesn't seem to be as much of a massive comic book scene here in the UK as there is in the States. Comic book stores are strange and bizarre artefacts here in Britain, to be examined as curios of a weird and otherworldly culture, whereas in America they've got these things in every town. And that's a true and real shame, because comics are really awesome (and dorky) and it seems to be where Hollywood is getting all its ideas from as well, so that's probably got to count for something to.

This is where downloading comes into play once more, because, like so many pieces of pop culture that I consume on a daily basis, I download my comics. I tell you, the day when everything goes digital and free from DRM, I will start buying shit again. It's the best way to do, hell, everything, because it means I can spend far much more time in my pants, away from the public eye. And I think that's something that everyone can consider a good thing, because I should not go outside too much. Least of all in nothing but my pants.

Now playing: Count Basie Orchestra / One O'Clock Jump

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Day Ninety Three: Distractions

So yeah, rough couple of nights with not much sleep, drinking too much and just generally feeling like hell. But, at the end of all of that, I find myself sitting here, only two pieces of work before the end of university (One essay and an exam! Holy shit!) and nothing much to do for a few weeks until I enter my various panicky states regarding those particular things.

This now means I'm finding things to occupy my time, because unlike Kate, I can actually enjoy my free time spent doing nothing. (I'm not kidding, the woman has a whole day off for the first time in ages and by the time the afternoon rolled around she was moaning that she was bored. Honestly. You're doing nothing. Enjoy it.) I've started with the Empire: Total War Demo, which actually worried me for a bit until I read this thread on the total war community forums, which went a tremendous way to relieving me. That, and fiddling with the game files to reduce the loading times of around half an hour to a more reasonable 30 seconds. Which was nice.

Obviously, I've still been kicking various kinds of ass around on Left 4 Dead, and it's still one of the best online gaming experiences I've had, like, ever. Had an awesome moment yesterday when I was on a team that was absolutely dominating the other on versus. The other guys all decided to quit just before the finale, leaving this poor guy by himself against all four of us. So, after swearing profusely, he teamkilled all his computer friends, typed "FUCK THOSE FAGS IM DOING IT MYSELF" and charged straight for the roof to take on all of us. And, credit where credit's due, the man killed two hunters singlehandedly. Unfortunaly, I was the third, and my tackle was so placed that it actually sent both of us over the edge of the roof, crashing all the way to the bottom of the tower. It was fucking badass.

Now playing: Peter Gabriel - Down To Earth

Monday, 23 February 2009

Day Ninety Two: Oscaaaaaaaaaaaars

So, firstly, I had a fucking awesome time in Sheffield. I'll heartily recommend their union to anyone (Seriously it is called the Octogon, OMGEE that is the coolest thing EVAR), and Carols flatmates and friends were all very lovely to me and Mike while we were up there. Plus Caroline made us epic Bacon sandwiches in the morning, and it was fucking glorious.

Secondly, yeah, I got my essay done. It hurt a bit, but I got it done. And that's all I want to say about that.

Finally, Oscars. Now, I'm only going to be doing the Oscars that people actually care about, because while its very nice and awesome to recognise the sound designers and cinematographers, no-one besides me and all the other film dorks around the world have any idea who they are (even then, it's a bit of a struggle. I actually probably can't name any cinematographers of the top of my head. BUT AT LEAST I KNOW WHAT THEY DO DAMMIT.) So, the awards that people know about then.

This one went to Sean Penn, who was the only likely one besides Mickey Rourke. And while Rourke had that ol' comeback edge, given that he's cleaned his shit up and started making movies again, he still looks like he could beat up most of the academy. And I think the voters are afraid of that. Plus, he still got a nod from Penn. In fact, Penn's speech was kinda awesome, given that he used the phrase "You Commie, homo-loving, sons a guns".
Also, that in a very polite and classy way, he called out everyone who voted 'yes' on Prop 8, because they voted bad and should feel bad for it.

Kate Winslet finally got he fucking statue, after being nominated approximately eleven billion times, and she really does deserve it. Probably not for The Reader though, which is mostly just Kate having sex for the first forty minutes and then wanders off into "Hey, the Holocaust actually kinda sucked, didn't it?" I mean, honestly, it could have just been the first part and I'd still be happy enough with the choice. Winslet naked on camera is always good.


In maybe the least surprising move ever, this went to Heath Ledger, which was very nice of the Academy to do after they passed him over for best actor back in the 2006 Oscars. Plus, it turns out Ledger's sister is pretty hot. (Wait, is that bad? Do you think it might be inappropriate to comment on someones hotness when they're recieving an Oscar for their dead brother? Hmm.)

This one went to Penelope Cruz, who I honestly don't think made much of an impact. Although I may just be saying this because I find Amy Adams absolutely adorable and kind of want to marry her. So, obviously she should win on those merits alone.


Slumdog Millionaire was probably the most deserving one here, given that neither Iron Man nor The Dark Knight were nominated. (My contest would have been close, but ultimately we swing in favour of Iron Man given that Robert Downey Jr. is just a bit more awesome than Christian Bale.)

And this went to Danny Boyle, who again really deserves the nod, given that the man can direct absolutely anything he wants to. The only other possibility was Fincher, given that David Fucking Fincher is extremely Fucking awesome, but Benjamin Button probably should take the nod for Cinematography instead, because the direction really wasn't all that. (OH YEAH THATS RIGHT)

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Day Ninety One: Right.

There probably won't be an update tomorrow, as I'm going to Sheffield tomorrow morning, and I've got an assessed discussion at 9am that morning too. And I'm going to the silent disco tonight, which will be most pleasant and awesome, but I'm concerned that a bit too much drinking might take place. So, I'll obviously be bringing to bear my considerable willpower to avoid drinking.

Oooh, I'll also be Rock Banding it up as well, displaying my awesome skills on the bass while Katie drums, Chris takes the other guitar, and Sarah takes on the vocals. Good lord, it should be impressive.

Yeah, so this weekend will involve a massive train ride to Sheffield, meeting up with Mike en route at Nottingham for some excessive drinking and partying with Carol for just one night, then I get the hell outta there Saturday morning to come back to Norwich and write 2000 words about issues surrounding Elizabeth 1's gender. I predict that it will be one of the best essays I've ever written. The problem is that when I get back in, presumable hungover and knackered, I'll be straight online, looking for the latest episode of Battestar Galactica. So there might be a problem there.

You might ask: "Andrew, why the hell didn't you plan ahead, get this essay done in advance and make sure that you don't go out tonight. And seriously, more like Battlestar GAY-lactica dude."

To which I'd calmly and rationally respond: "HEY FUCK YOU PAL"

Now playing: Jet / Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


So, continuing on from yesterdays review of Incredibad, the début album from the Lonely Island dudes, here is the second half of the album.

Like a Boss

This is a fucking great song. The same escalation as Boombox, but taken even further. Samberg absolutely tears this up, and it rocks.

We Like Sportz

A sequel to Just 2 Guyz? Man, I was sold already, but this track warrants it by it's sheer rock and roll power. Also, "Like that CUNT HOLE Steve" is actual poetry.

Dreamgirl (feat. Norah Jones)

This is a song about true love and Chex Mix. If you aren't down with that, then you have no soul/ And Norah Jones is pretty awesome on this as well. Getting her to sing that Chex Mix has 60% less fat than potato chips is exactly the reason why I'm so happy that these dudes have broken through.

Ras Trent

I love this track simply because it brought back two phrases that I hadn't heard in ages, and it made me laugh and laugh. ('Batty-Boy' and 'Boomboclat', if you were wondering)

Dick in a Box (feat. Justin Timberlake)

The fact that Timberlake not only did this song, but actually went all the way out with the video as well means that I've got enormous respect for the dude. (Man, seriously, they censor the word 'dick', but not 'bastard' in America. What the fuck is that about?) And man, this is one of the most romantic songs I've ever heard.

The Old Saloon (Interlude)

This manages to hit almost every Wild West cliché ever, and Jorma screaming "DJ Uhgnghgn!" is maybe one of the best things ever.

Punch You in the Jeans

Just a straight up awesome rap from the dudes, and I've started using "I'm gonna punch you in the jeans" far too much in everyday conversation.

Space Olympics

This starts off slow, but builds and builds into something incredible. Just the right kind of soaring epic thing that you'd expect from something that involves "Space Luge". Also, whenever the album properly touches down back home, I've gotta check out the video for this, as apparently I need to be in America to see the awesome.

Natalie's Rap (feat. Natalie Portman & Chris Parnell)

As with Timberlake, this gives me enormous respect for Portman for taking this concept and just completely running with it. Samberg is the only one of the dudes who really features on the track, which I think is fair enough, given that, well, Portman is fucking awesome here. Although, it wouldn't complte without the great line: "my dick is scared of you, girl"


An awesome track to close the album on, with aliens, sex, and video games. The lyrics are so detailed here too, I'm still picking out little in-jokes and references that are buried in there. Plus, we finally learn the true story of how The Dudes came to be, and it's fantastic.

So, while I might be slightly biased here, and at the risk of sounding slightly hyperbolic, I think that this might be mankind's highest achievement in the history of time. You should buy it, and then buy three copies to spread around too.

Now playing: The Lonely Island / Incredibad

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Day Eighty Nine: INCREDIBAD, PT1

So, the debut album from The Lonely Island dudes came out a couple days ago, and I've been listening it to it near continuously since then. I mean, I've mentioned before about how cool it is to see these dudes make it big, especially after seeing them start out from something like this. Anyway, now I've listened the absolute crap out of this album, I thought I'd go through and review that shit. So, here we go:

Who Said We're Wack

Great opening track, and it's actually getting better each time I listen to it. An awesome opener, and if you like it, you'll love the rest of the album.

Santana DVX (feat. E-40)

First mention of the Santana DVX, and also the first guest contributor on the album. My favourite bit is when the dudes introduced it to someone, and the massive distorted OOHHH SHIIIIIT

Jizz in My Pants

Fantastic bit of comedy, which I've had for a while before the album came out, and it's pure quality. Also, I just thought I'd mention that flicking through the music channels last night, this actually came on and completely weirded out the two people I was with, while I giggled like an insane bastard.

I'm on a Boat (feat. T-Pain)

Massive props to T-Pain for being so willing to take the piss out of his own music. And man, everything about this track just speaks to this. Second mention of the Santana as well. Kiv absolutley fucking rocks on this song as well. Also, "FUCK TREES I CLIMB BUOYS MOTHERFUCKER" is beautiful.

Sax Man (feat. Jack Black)

This is pretty much just a Tenacious D track in the middle of the album, and that's no bad thing. Musically, I think it's pretty awesome. Just gotta love that Bass. Also, the quiet way that Black says "what the fuck are you doing?" is great.

Lazy Sunday (feat. Chris Parnell)

When this first did it's massive rounds all over the net the first time it was out I didn't really care for it that much. I mean, I thought it was pretty good, but nothing particuarly amazing. But man, it's grown on me so much. "GONNA GET TAKEN TO A DREAMWORLD OF MAGIC"

Normal Guy (Interlude)

This is one of those little random sketches that the dudes used to do back in the day, and it's pretty great. Third mention of Santana here as well, which made me giggle endlessly. Jorma is great in this.

Boombox (feat. Julian Casablancas)

Maybe my favourite track on the album at the moment, although that might change. Just the contant escalation of the track, and the repeated mentions of 'BOILED GOOOOOSE' make it fantastic. Plus, it's got the lead singer from The Strokes. And I fucking love The Strokes.

Shrooms (Interlude)

Another sketch one on here, and it's only 30 seconds long, but it's a great little piece of absolutely random techno.

And, well, this post is getting too long, so I'm going to continue this tomorrow.

Now playing: The Lonely Island / Shrooms (Interlude)

Monday, 16 February 2009


My only comment on Valentine's Day: Steak is great, and beer is great. Steak fried in beer though? That right there is fucking awesome.

Okay, so remember the other day when I was talking about movie trilogies and the fact that the third one always seems to suck? Well, I'm pretty sure that Lord of the Rings is the exception. This might have something to do with the production process, which is always something that's staggered me. I'll quote from The Editing Room, which I believe illustrates this perfectly:

PETER JACKSON is meeting with various NEW LINE EXECUTIVES.

PETER JACKSON: ..and that’s my proposal. What do you say?

EXECUTIVE #1: Wait, so, you want three hundred million dollars to create nine total hours of film for an adaptation of the Lord of the Rings trilogy?

PETER JACKSON: Nearly twelve hours for the full editions.

EXECUTIVE #2: And you want us to greenlight this based on your previous work of…
(consulting a memo)
A movie about rat monkeys and flesh eating zombies and an unfunny comedy ghost movie starring Michael J. Fox?

PETER JACKSON: Right. And I want all the money up front, because I demand that I be able to make all three films at the same time.

The executives stare at JACKSON as if he just took a shit on their rug and autographed it. Miraculously, he is allowed to adapt the trilogy and ACTUALLY FUCKING PULLS IT OFF.

I mean, it's just unbelievable. An absolute nobody from New Zealand who's directed nothing of significance and has never made a big film in his life is given a shitload of money and almost complete creative control? This almost never happens in Hollywood, and what's more amazing is the fact that it actually worked. The amount of money generated by the franchise is unbelievable.

This is exactly the sort of example you point to when people say that producers do nothing. Producers are the people who approve this sort of deal, and it's their asses that it falls on if the film isn't a success. After all, that money has got to come from somewhere.

Although, four fucking hours for the third film? That might be just a little bit indulgent, given that the last hour is made up entirely of endings.

Now playing: The Lonely Island / Incredibad

Friday, 13 February 2009

Day Eighty Seven: Yeah, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow.

I mean, really, is there a worse holiday? It's miserable for single people. It's expensive for couples. It's absolutely sickening for everyone involved, and it's abominable that it exists. However, it has provided me with a great excuse to get terrifyingly and completely steamingly drunk tomorrow. I'm meeting up with James and Chris at about three, and we're going to start drinking and never stop. At around 10.30/11 we're going to head to the LCR to take part in the standard single guys Valentine's Day ritual. Basically, we hit on depressed and lonely girls who are out that night as well, or we throw up on them. Either way, we have a system. It works.

Also, The Office feels really weird at the moment. I think it's because since they resolved the Dwight / Angela / Andy plot line they haven't really had, well, anything as the main plotline. There needs to be something major happening soon, otherwise I may stop getting up really early to download the episodes. Instead, I'll be switching to the routine that I currently employ for Heroes, which is download it at whenever the hell o' clock, and watch it begrudgingly, almost out of routine.

It's lucky that Battlestar Galactica is still currently throwing out awesome episodes week after week, otherwise we'd be in real trouble. And I guess it's good that Scrubs has hit a new stride as well, and is actually genuinly good agiain. And of course, 30 Rock continues to surprise me every day with it's continued fantasticness. So, guess we're okay at the moment. I just wish The Office would start being brilliant again.

(Warning, the above post may be completely incomprehensible to those of you who don't download the vast majority of your TV.)

Now playing: The Lonely Island / Sax Man (feat. Jack Black)

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Day Eighty Six: In defense of Back to the Future: Part III

Firstly, if you're one of those soulless people who doesn't enjoy, nay, love the Back to the Future movies, then it's probably best that you stop reading now. Honestly, we're going to get deeply nerdy about all three of the films, and if you're not a fan, then you'd best move on. There's nothing for you here.

So, the third film in the trilogy. It always gets a lot of stick, which I think is sort of endemic of these big film trilogies. There's always a solid opening film, an awesome second film, and then the third just tends to be a bit shit. It's true for the Godfather trilogy, it's true for Jurrassic Park, and it's certainly true for Star Wars.


But yeah. We look at the Back to the Future trilogy, and obviously the first one kicks ass, and the second improves on it in every single possible way. It's pretty much a textbook example of how to do an awesome sequel, in that it actually relives moments from the original film, and makes them funnier. That's pretty hard to do, given that the original rocks the house, but it manages it so, so well. And that, I think, is why the third gets a lot of stick. It simply can't be as awesome as the film that preceded it, which, I think, is actually impossible.

Still, I think the third one rocks, because, well, COWBOYS. And also resolving the plotline, giving the Doc a romantic companion, and of course blowing a freaking train up and then making another train into a flying timeship. There are many reasons why it rocks, but mainly it's because without it we wouldn't have these. And man, that's totally worth it.

Now playing: The Lonely Island / Punch You in the Jeans

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Day Eighty Five: Movies

Right, I don't know what happened, but somehow I managed to miss Crank. I only just finished watching it, and my holy lord it is like totally the best film ever.

Well, no, that's not true. It's not a thinking movie. It's not going to challenge your perceptions, or alter your mind. But holy shit, this film kicks ass in a very, very special way. We're talking Shoot 'Em Up levels of kick-assery. This is a film that opens with Jason Statham being injected with some kind of crazy Chinese poison that means he needs a constant flow of adrenaline, or his heart will stop, and he'll die. It's pure Macguffin crap, but it lends itself very well to Statham fighting the hell out of absolutely everyone, and causing horrifying property damage. This film is just non-stop fighting and explosions, and it's awesome. Watch it as soon as you possibly can. It fucking rocks.

Also, as a completely unrelated note, I'd just like to make it clear that the album "Incredibad" by The Lonely Island is officially the best fucking album in the whole wide world. Honestly, it's so good that it's the second album that I've actually bought using actual money. And that must surely count for something.

Uh oh, Callum has just walked in, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to get drunk with him. I'd love to stay and chat but....oh no, he's dragging me away.

No, I want to stay and blog!

Noooooooooooooodfiosdhfososrhlenwq;ln r!%$%$"^*((((*

Now playing: The Lonely Island / I'm on a Boat (feat. T-Pain)

Friday, 6 February 2009

Day Eighty Four: In which I apologise for my lapse in updates.

So, yeah, the last time I updated was Wednesday the 4th. Not exactly great for my weekly updating thing. Anyway, I'm sorry and all that. I got into kind of a funk over Thursday and Friday, but had my spirits lifted by a most excellent weekend. I don't want to go into too many details, but lets just say that both Beer and Back to the Future figured heavily in it. It was good.

So, Saturday was already panning out to be pretty awesome, with a sixties themed retro night on at the LCR. But then, me and James went up to Chris' place to do a bit of Rock Band 2 and heavy drinking beforehand, and the night got just a little bit more special. We finally got to the LCR after I'd done some serious vocal rocking (Fuck yeah, I sang Duran Duran and it was beautiful) and James had played the drums to his normal level of competence as he does with every other Guitar Hero or Rock Band related game, and man, it was pretty darn awesome. The sixties music was in full swing, and man, I had some serious moves that night. It was a very good evening.

Sunday rolls round, and I'm reminded by Lauren that we're doing our Back to the Future marathon that evening, something that I think we first talked about waaay back in the first year when we met in the launderette at 4am. Yes, it's taken us that long to get round to it. We are organised people.

And yeah, Back to the Future still continues to rock my socks every time I watch it, but Part II will probably always be the best, and it remains a textbook example of how to properly do a sequel, along with Empire Strikes Back and Aliens. With Part III, yes, there is a slight drop in quality, but it's still a better third film than, let's say, Return of the Jedi thanks to the magical powers of COWBOYS. Because, well, fuck yeah cowboys. Also, exploding trains.

Oh shit, I nearly forgot, despite Heroes sucking, well, really hard this season, I'm okay with it. Because Battlestar Galactica is absolutely rocking my world at the moment, and totally makes up for it. Just as a completely random example, here's a sample of last weeks episode.

If you see that, and don't think it's the best, then fair enough. But if you see that in context and don't think it's the greatest thing ever, then you are, indeed, dead to me.

Also, just when I thought Doctor McNinja couldn't get any more awesome, turns out they hired Nedroid as their new colourist. In other awesome related news, The Lonely Island's debut album comes out today. Let me assure you, it is ball-flatteningly fantastic.

Now playing: Weezer / Pork and Beans

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Day Eighty Three: Linky Linklater.

Firstly, an apology for James' incomprehensible gibbering yesterday. I don't even know what the hell that was, but it does offer a chilling reminder as to why I should never leave James unsupervised with my computer. Not only did he leave a collection of even more aimless ramblings than I normally do, but he also decided to download gay pornography onto my computer. Because he's a lovely human being.

Secondly, fuck all headlines like this. Everyone pissing and moaning about the snow just serves to remind me that here in Norwich we got the slightest dusting of snow which then melted overnight, whereas back home in Essex, Matt is playing in half a foot of the stuff. Although, I must admit, watching some of the BBC's responses to the bad weather is pretty amusing.

Also, I recently got sent this link which shows that 55 remakes of Hollywood movies are in the works at the moment. I mean, I don't really mind remakes just on principle, but Jesus. Every single film on this just makes my brain ache with rage. Obviously, movies only really exist just to make a profit, let's have no illusions on that count. But damn, do they really have to be so fucking blatant? It's bad.

And finally, the hype machine is starting to warm up for Watchmen. We've got wicked cool trailers, and some fucking fantastic little videos on the Youtube as well. But man, the thing I'm geeking out about most of all is The New Frontiersman's website. All of this alternate history is right there, and the article on Woodward and Bernstein's murder causes me to get impressively erect. I'm very, very excited for this.

Now playing: Smashing Pumpkins / The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Day Eighty Two: Guest Post by Sheepy Tree

This is courtesy of James' Blog. I am..well, grateful isn't exactly the right word for it...

So then, I'm pretty drunk right now, but not drunk enough to not kill zombies. Man I love Left 4 Dead, simple, unchallenging zombie killing at its finest.

I do need to walk home though, gay.

So apparently I need to pad out this post, I think its literary genius quite frankly, But apparently its not. So what to say............................................................................................

This isn't getting any longer, its like a bad essay. Hmm,

"Acid rain" is a popular term referring to the deposition of wet (rain, snow, sleet, fog and cloud water, dew) and dry (acidifying particles and gases) acidic components. A more accurate term is “acid deposition”. Distilled water, which contains no carbon dioxide, has a neutral pH of 7. Liquids with a pH less than 7 are acidic, and those with a pH greater than 7 are basic. “

The breast is the upper ventral region of an animal’s torso, particularly that of mammals, including human beings. The breasts of a female primate’s body contain the mammary glands, which secrete milk used to feed infants.

God, the LCR was jolly good fun tonight, much dancing and considering I wasn't going to drink, I think Andrew did quite well at lubricating me.

We also went to a talk by Sean Cagen (i think) who was held hostage for 4 months by the Taliban, bad times for him, but I got to ask him a question for my dissertation, so extra marks for me!!!!

Best go now, Drew's being a massive loser and wants to sleep. He has sold out this year, he used to be cool.



Now playing: The Kinks / He's Evil

Monday, 2 February 2009

Day Eighty One: NEEEEEEERD!

Okay, so I might be moving even further past the dork horizon. I mean, I'm already pretty far gone, in that when people ask me if I've seen the latest ubuntu release, I don't respond that "I'm not that into Pokemon"

After all, I built my own computer! (Well, stood around and made knowing comments while Matt wired together my motherboard) That aside, I know what the hell I'm doing in there now. I can replace most major components in a PC without technical assistance, and I'm mostly competent in terms of software as well, or at least the software that 85% of people use. I can find my way around windows with the best of them. Having to start with Windows ME was probably a big help in that respect.

But man, I think I'm starting to cross the geek line into full-blown nerd.

-I had a five minute, completely un-ironic conversation about the flash memory into RAM function on Windows, and how it was totally awesome.

-I also ordered a headset. It's a full-blown nerd purchase, done only so I can better yell at Polish dudes who I'm playing Left 4 Dead with. It's extremely fucking dorky.

-Finally, I found this collection of videos, which is mainly edited together clips of The Next Generation, and it is, of course, hilarious, as only repeated footage of Data being headbutted by a Klingon can be, but the worrying thing is that I could identify which episodes the clips were from.

It's just too much. I'm going to need to go watch some football, or something like that. Just, damn.

Now playing: Glen Campbell / Wichita Lineman

Friday, 30 January 2009

Day Eighty: Actually sounds really weird when you say it out loud, doesn't it?

Man, that was a pretty fucking awesome night.

It started with several beers and good pizza with James, while we watched Taken, which I must point out right now is a fucking ball-flatteningly awesome film. The moral might only be "Don't kidnap Liam Neesons's daughter, because he will royally fuck up you and anyone else involved, but it's still a lesson I think we can all take to heart.

So, many beers later, we were joined by Lauren and Emily, and played the most schizophrenic collection of music ever. Goddamn youtube. Although, apparently I thought enough of some of these to post them on my facebook. Who knew?

Staggering away from that, we went to Sarah's digs to wish her a very merry birthday, and for James to present her with a cake. Because he's a total fag like that.

Anyway. Eventually we get out to the LCR, and it's a mixed bag, in terms of the tunes. James has a word with the dude who has influence, but it is not greatly successful. But that doesn't matter, because soon enough I'm drunk enough that anything with ever a vaguely danceable beat is now THE BEST SONG EVER.

Eventually I get to the point where I want to fall over and die, so I head outside, running into Thom. Now, I previously mentioned Thom as the godless swine who gave me mulled wine on my birthday, effectively removing all memories past drinking it. But, and this is partially due to the umbrage he took as a result of this, I'd just like to clarify that Thom is pretty fucking awesome, and I think he's genuinely cool. Even if he has removed his dreadlocks of power.

Eventually wandering back inside with Emily, we proceeded to tear the shit out of the dancefloor, rocking to any number of absolutely terrible songs before the close. So, bus back home, then I ended up wandering across the road where there was some lovely spooning with Sarah in Rachel's bed, before Lauren gave me a cheese toasty to finish off the night.

And now I'm back home wearing absolutely nothing, and giggling endlessly to myself because I'm listening to Prince and remembering that the bad guy's main henchman in Taken looks unerringly familiar to him.


Now playing: Prince / 1999

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Day Seventy Nine: I can't really think of titles anymore.

So, further evidence that I'm a horrifyingly sad bastard, I spent much of my morning watching Mean Girls. There's something wrong with me, I'm sure. Also, what went wrong with Lindsay Lohan? Seriously, she was all sorts of awesome in Mean Girls, and then she just kinda stopped doing anything remotely good. Although, she was superbly outshone by Lizzy Caplin, who I will make my wife one day. My word yes.

And that blonde one too, Rachel McAdams? My word yes. But only when she had dark hair. Blonde, and in the movie, she's just a little too convincing as an entity of pure scary evil.


I've been in a weird sort of funk recently, with the constant zombie genocide of Left 4 Dead and the resultant erratic sleep pattern making my brain feel funny. But I've got the solution. A proper good night of drinking, followed by some hardcore sleeping through all of Saturday. I'm going to tear mad shit through the 90's LCR, so I'd like to apologise to anyone who I meet that night, as I'm going to be ludicrously, horribly drunk, and I won't be a nice person.

I think what really fucked me up this week was getting absolutely destroyed for Tuesday's beach party LCR. (well, I had to. It was nice to bring out the enormous hat again, for no real reason.) Ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem, but I then had to go to Liberate! with Callum and Damien for another epic gay night which I believe culminated in a magnificent rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody all along the Avenues, followed by watching about half of Goldeneye, which is now officially the best Bond movie ever. I decided that this was so, with great authority.

So, yeah, I'm going to attempt to get my brain unfucked soon. There isn't that much left of this term now!

Now playing: Guster / One Man Wrecking Machine

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Day Seventy Eight: A true story

oh GOD why did I set two alarms
Ah relief
No. Coursework.
this is crap.
hey new scrubs today!
god, related reading?
What the fuck?
related books
oh, sweet, that was easy.
hey, scrubs is done
i like new blonde intern. i would sex her up.
ah Janitor.
write write
man fuck you michael billig
what is wrong with you
how can you make comedy boring
what the fuck
oh hey Kate
oh good
work exists
man this article sucks
article summary: this article is wank. fuck you michael billig.
okay send to uni
40 minutes to deadline
music bus music
in at the last gasp
one minute to go

Addendum: So, last night was pretty good. Aussie beach party always rocks. I didn't get on the mechanical surfboard unfortunately, but that's probably a good thing as I drank all the booze. ALL THE BOOZE. And man, when I'm drunk I can be a right bastard to myself. What kind of evil bastard sets four alarms for 7 in the morning after a night of drinking? I mean, that was just hellish. Still, first bit of coursework in, and I'm going out tonight as well. At least I don't have to wake up early tomorrow. My first on-campus activity is at four in the afternoon. Praise Jesus.

Now playing: Rick Derringer / Real American

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Day Seventy Seven: DRINKING

I'd like to take a moment to philosophise about drinking, and why it's fucking awesome. Drinking offers clarity of purpose. Maybe not clarity of mind, and certainly not clarity of body movement, but I can certainly attest that I've always done my clearest and most direct thinking when I'm completely fucking battered.

When you're sober (or at least when I'm sober. That's right, I'm assuming that every else's mental experiences are identical to mine. Because that makes total sense. Anyway, back to a sentence that won't make sense anymore) then you have to deal with all of those moments of self-consciousness, all those little instances of wondering what you're doing, what's going on, and what you've done. But hell, when you've got a good drunk on, all of that goes away, and gets replaced by one firm, rock solid belief; You are totally awesome, and you are fantastic.

If you're doing your drinking correctly, you'll always feel great. In the company of good people, and with a good supply of booze, you'll never feel bad. Drinking helps people connect better, making all the worries and fears disappear from conversation and removing self-doubt and fear from the equation. Drinking is wonderful.

Naturally, there are downsides. You don't have good people around you when you're seriously drunk, and there's a tendency to get deeply introspective. This is a terrible thing to happen, because it actually reduces the amount of time you want to spend with other people. You start to not only suspect, but know that everyone who attempts to talk to you is a bastard and you hate them. It's a terrible vicious cycle to get into, which is the main reason why you should nnever leave drunk people by themselves. They'll likely be seeking out some terrible vengence on humanity in general.

But man, if all the factors flow together in a nice enough way (and, in my experience, if you drink enough, things generally tend to do that regardless) then getting completely fucking steamrollered is one of the greatest things in life. Oh God yes.

Now playing: St Germain / Acid Jazz So Flute

Monday, 26 January 2009


So I've been dicking around with all the import notes settings on Facebook, and I think the entire thing is just completely borked. There's no real way for me to import blog entries as notes without it cutting off at some arbitrary point, unless I feel like doing it manually each time I update. And man, that is another level of just sheer, I cannot be arsed to do that.

Also, it would detract from my much valued "playing Left 4 Dead" time. Because holy shit I cannot get enough of this game. Steam has this funky little ranking system where it adds up all the games and the time you spend playing them, and then gives you a rating from 1-10 depending on how many hours you've spent in-game.

Now normally, my rating would hover around a 1 or 2 ('El Terrible' and 'Nearly Lifeless' respectively), and then maybe jump up to about a 4 ('Master of Nothing') whenever a new episode of Half Life came out or while I was playing Portal nonstop for that magical month when it was first released.

Left 4 Dead has elevated my to the high echelons of 7 ('Wax on, Wax off'). This is a bit rediculpus now. It's my third year at uni, I should really be doing reading, or writing coursework, or something. Not killing zombies.

Although, hey, looking at the rest of the ratings, it looks like Valve are continuing the Karate Kid theme. The next level is 'COBRA KAI!' I think I might have to earn that just on principle. Back to the grind I guess.

Also, I cannot get this tune out of my head so I will have to listen to it on an infinite loop until my brain explodes. Thank you and goodnight.

Now playing: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour / Around The Bend

Friday, 23 January 2009

Day Seventy Five: Bleh

I know I was at a house party last night. There's no beer in my fridge, and I've got new pizza boxes and takeaway menus in my room. I also woke up with an open and completely undrunk can of coke next to my bed. That proved useful in getting up this morning.

Oh yeah, so I found this on youtube. Streetfighter, as played out by those little video links that you can click on within videos now. It's worth playing through once just to appreciate the insane amount of work that's gone into it.

Man, I am still far too hungover to deal with any of this.

Also, I can't stop playing this. It's like Left 4 Dead, except actually constant zombies, and you can't run away.

And seriously, Left 4 Dead is actually the best online multiplayer game I've played. I've been far too used to all this 2142 and Halo nonsense, where I'm fighting against teenaged Asian kids who've been playing the game since it was released for 21 hours a day, and can headshot you from 2000 yards away using a pistol. In that respect, Left 4 Dead is a lovely contrast. It's like being in school, the group has to move at the pace of the slowest kid. If ThUnDeRcOcK_69 from Germany is being retarded and gets eaten by a zombie, everyone else has to stop and help, otherwise they're all screwed. It's a brilliant system, this forced teamwork.

The only problem is the horrifying imbalances that can happen in Verses mode. If you're up against a team who know how to properly use the zombies, and you've got three mouthbreathers who can barely walk unassisted then you're probably screweed. But Left 4 Dead is the only online shooter that's still fun, even when you're losing. That's how well is works.

So, what you need to do is buy it and start playing. Add me via Steam (Aceaz5) and let's get some games going.

Alternatively, if you've already got me on Steam, then, dude, we seriously need to play more!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Day Seventy Four: -title-

Good drunken evening tonight. Came straight from campus to town, where I met up with Sarah Katie and Sam, and we drank quite a lot.

Did you know that they do Double Jaeger Bombs in Squares for £3.75? My mind is still fucking blown over that. I need to go there before every film I watch. Apart from that, we also had many different cocktails of many different colours, and it was wonderful.

Oh, and then! we decided to get gallery seats to watch the absolutely awful My Bloody Valentine...IN 3D!. Did you know that when you get gallery seats that it's literally all you can eat for popcorn and nachos, and all you can drink in terms of coke and shit? Because while it might be a couple of quid more for the seats, it is totally fucking worth it. I've eaten my body weight in Nachos and Popcorn, which combined with the drink, is making me feel very unusual. Water should help.

Although, I do have a 9am tomorrow. Well, actually, in less than seven hours. Which means I probably need to wake up fairly soon, a problem that is made so much more difficult because I'm not even in bed yet.

Does anyone else feel odd when they decided to do sex scenes in Skins? I'm watching the new episode right now and I feel a bit odd, like I'm watching child pornography or something terrible like that.

I've no idea how good this is. It's all very back to the future at the moment.

Heh, Harry Enfield has still got it.

Man, fart jokes? Really?

C'mon, I thought we were past this.

Oh, and now he's exposing himself to the entire student population. Of course.

Man, fuck this, I'm watching some battlestar!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Day Seventy Three: Man, Battlestar is seriously awesome.

I mean, I'm not sure I've covered this enough. I've been re-watching it through from the beginning, and it's still capable of constantly rocking my socks. I think the main reason why is that I've been burned so many times before by other sci-fi shows.

The big thing as a kid for me was stuff like Stargate and Voyager, and the problem with these shows is that that had a very pronounced tendency to manage to change absolutely nothing from episode to episode. Okay, maybe that's unfair. Stargate at least changed slightly from season to season, there was a sense that there was a progressive plot line. Every five episodes or so something would happen to change the universe that these guys were living in, and that's a good thing.

But man, Voyager was just different class. Somewhere out there on the intertubes is a list of which characters have died, in which episode, and just how many times. The exact number is not important, it's just that over seven seasons, I seem to remember every single main character dying at least once. At least Stargate only did that with one character, and they had the good grace to make it a running joke.

Voyager though, was something else. That punched the reset button so often that I'm surprised it even worked by the time they got to the final season.

The point that I'm laboriously trying to make is that every single action that happens in BSG has consequences, consequences that actually have repercussions for more than two episodes. Also, it has killer robots, and wicked awesome space battles. So, yeah, you should totally check it out. We're in Season Four, and we're wrapping it all up, and it is awesome.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Day Seventy Two: Some things happened today.

I am going to list them in reverse order, because that's just how I roll. And also I'm planning on getting all gay and political at the end, so I'd rather save that. So.

I saw Twilight today with Kate and Emily. I'd been wary about seeing this because it looked, to put it bluntly, fucking terrifyingly bad. And man, I was not disappointed. This is a new triumph in awful cinema. I mean, there were parts, mainly involving the father, that stood out as great, not least because they were actually intentionally funny. But then, when there's a ten minute scene with Vampire Fucking Baseball, then I started to waver. I'll admit that the film was partially saved by the beers that I snuck in. And there was also that one scene where a girl commented that a dress made her boobs look fantastic, and I could do nothing but completely agree with her. Personally, the most hilarious thing is watching Robert Pattison doing interviews. He looks totally scared and confused by the entire thing. Also, download .flv player or whatever you have to do to watch that clip. It's worth it to hear Pattison call the character that he plays (one of the two protagonists) a complete moron.

I also saw Frost/Nixon today, and it was pretty cool and interesting. A film like this is kind of tricky to recommend to people, given that it's targeting a very specific audience, especially within this country. It is worth seeing at some point, however, just because the dude who plays Nixon is pretty fantastic at what he does. Also good was noticing that Michael Sheen has to work really hard to avoid turning into Tony Blair throughout. Plus, Sam Rockwell! I love that dude!

And then, the big thing that happened today. At the inauguration today, the announcer dude totally flubbed his line! Man what a dick. I bet he wanted to die there and then. Massive worldwide audience, 2 million hearing him speak live, and he stutters while introducing a senator. I hope he doesn't go home and feel bad.

But yeah, woo Obama!

Although I do notice that chocolate money has not been falling from the sky and I have not yet been given my flying car, as expressly laid out within his campaign promises.

Man, that Obama guy is a dick.

Although thank God George Bush Jr. is no longer president. I mean, seriously? That guy? What happened there, huh America? Sounds like you got some explaining to do.

Now playing: The Animals / House Of The Rising Sun

Monday, 19 January 2009

Day Seventy One: Inernetnerts

So, have you guys heard about Microsoft Songsmith? It's the most insane and weird thing I've come across, today at least.

The original idea is that you sing into this program, and it then automatically generates music that matches your vocals, creating something lovely and beautiful, as illustrated by this lovely video.

(By the way, make sure you watch the whole movie. At the very least, skip to around 1:55, otherwise you'll miss the best ever line, delivered with not a hint of irony: "Microsoft, huh? So it's pretty easy to use?" Bravo. I bet the script editor sat up in bed and hugged himself after he came up with that.)

Anyway, that's not why this song is. See, if you take a rip of the vocals from any song, you can plug it into this program, and it'll automatically generate a result for you. They can, at times, be terrifying, like this version of 'Roxanne' by The Police, which has changed into something else entirely. Other songs, I think, bear experimentation. Like 'Wonderwall', which has now become my favourite song again, for all the wrong reasons.

I mean, this is just a completely weird and facinating thing, trying to watch technology interpret music and just coming up with completely insane versions instead. Look! 'Just What I Needed', by The Cars. What in the blue fuck happened there? Or with 'What's Going On?' by Marvin Gaye. I mean, we're way off the insanity chart and moving into "good and holy jesus this is freaking me out please make it stop" territory here.

The best, I think, is going to have to be 'Enter Sandman'. Man, that's just fucking completely batshit insane. While being completely fantastic, of course.

In fact, I'm not going to listen to cover versions of songs any more. I'm going to let Songsmith do the work from now on. Because this is beautiful.

Now playing: Alice Cooper / School's Out (But probably not the version you're thinking of.)

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Day Seventy: So here's a story




While I was back home and without internet, I'd be checking all my favourite blogs and sites, and I'd keep seeing people updating with "Yeah, I'm playing too much Left 4 Dead right now, but I'll be back soon" and I'd think that those dudes were total losers. I mean, how good can one game be? I've played addicting games before, and I still managed to keep the blog going. Jesus, these people are just really lazy.

So, obviously, that's what I've been doing for the last couple of days. It helped that James' birthday managed to land right on the Thursday evening, which wiped me out both for that evening and also the following morning, due to a nine am start doing TV sitcom, which incidentally promises to be even wankier than animation. I even used the term "post-modern" in the first seminar. It doesn't bode well for anyone who wants to watch telly with me ever again.

So, Friday night, and I figured I'd do a double update to compensate for the missed one. Until I remembered I had another party to go to. It was just over the road. And also I'd apparently and very drunkenly promised Chris that "Oh yeah mate I'll definitely be there mate no worries mate I'll see you there dude."

So, house party (with awesome bottle opening hat) and another lazy morning later, I decided to do my double update on Saturday and make many many amusing jokes about the whole situation.

Then I ran into both James coming round and getting drunk with me while we played left 4 dead before leaving with the rest of my house for the LCR which was pretty brutal.

So I've made it to sunday, and I'm kind of just lying in bed after eating far too much bacon, as expertly prepared by both Kate and myself, and I decide to give Left 4 Dead a quick blastthrough.

And that takes us through to now, where I've actually had it turned off for more that an hour, but it is still five in the fucking morning. Honestly, the problems I've got are far too much for just one post, so I'm just going to say sorry for the lapse in updates dudes, but they will resume in the regular fashion this monday. Which is technically today but I'm going to go ahead and work a little blogger magic to pretend that that never happened...

Now playing: Battlestar Galactica Soundtrack - Season 3/ All Along The Watchtower (From 'Crossroads, Part 2')

Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Man, I was different kinds of drunk last night. And I've no idea what that rambling about Spaced being my desktop background was.

Though I do have clear memories of trying to minimise it and being unable to, and my desktop icons being in the way of Simon Peggs face. So I don't know.

Anyway, I'm getting quite excited because this weekend sees the relaunch of pretty much all of the shows that I watch in the States. Not only is The Office back, but we've also got the final block of the Battlestar Galactica season four coming too.

(Have I talked before about Galactica? It's awesome. Robots, nukes, and most of humanity getting wiped out in the opening episode. Plus the Presidents wife from Independence Day as the actual president, which is pretty cool. It's sort of like what I always wanted Star Trek to be, but unfortunately Trek either never had the budget for wicked cool explosions every week or the main cast managed to be boring and lame. We never got both at the same time. But Galactica rocks. Bears beat Battlestar Galactica however. FACT. And now close brackets)

Scrubs has returned as well, with a block of four episodes in the space of about three days, and it's looking surprisingly good so far thanks to a distinct lack of the network rapage and the fact that because the budget has been cut they have to focus on actually writing the episode well and avoiding JD's trips into fantasy land. Seriously, it was reaching Family Guy levels by the end of the last season, which is just terrible. But I'm liking this new season so far.

And, of course, we've got Heroes coming back as well, which is both a good and bad thing, as it's maybe one of the worst shows on, and yet something keeps dragging me back to it. Maybe it's because I really love Masi Oka. Or because we've got Spock in it. (Although, he's been killed off, right? Which probably means he'll be back as the surprise big bad for the finale.)

Anyway, thanks to this, you can expect even more incomprehensible rambling about TV that you havn't watched in the future.


Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Day Sixty Eight: Rambling

So, the thing is, I'm drunk and posting my very second entry of this year in a terribly, drunken, state.

Spaced is on in the most unconventional way possible and it's kicking arse.

Argh you fucking bastard.

I don't know how I managed to get the entire first season od spaced t opalay as my desktop baackgound but I',m excited avbout it.

oh god.

man picked dog.



wgheres that come from?

My ex-girlfriend.


I love you too boss hogg.

the point is that somehow, I need to fill up 250 words somehow as well as formulating some kind of realistic sleep plan.

Honestly, this background and weird version of spaced is weirding me out and I am deeplyt confus3ed about how it came to exist. I mean, seriously, what the fuck.

The honest truth is that somehowe spaced is playing in the backgrou8nf, it'ds wierding me out,m and somehow it's become complete.

ahha haha ahhaaahaa.


So, anyway, because I know nothing about my housmates, all I'll say is that I am writing nothiong specific or terrible about them. All I'm doing is rambling vaguely on while spaced plays in thr background.

The thing is, you need to get that out of the way sooner, rather than later, otherwiae it leasds to terrible tension and stress.

The point is, I need to sleep in a serious degree soon, and I don't realy care about tyhe activities of my desktop background. And yet, somehow they are involved with my life.

Holy jesus fuck.

Anyway, bedtime now. Fucks sake.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Day Sixty Seven: I'm back!

...a day later than I promised, but after having about 50 million drunken conversations about Christmas and New Year which were essentially that "yeah, mine was pretty okay. Yours? Okay, yeah? Okay then." I figured that no-one really wants to read me trying to stretch out Christmas and New Years over 250 words. I mean, it was pretty good, yeah, but not particularly exciting.

With two exceptions.

The first was a major New Years Eve party. I'd spent the last year caretaking my sisters New Years Eve party, which consisted of Matt and me drinking two cases of beer, confiscating some booze that we liked the look of and booting one kid out because we knew his older brother and thought he was a wanker. Or it was the actual older brother. I don't know, it was over a year ago and I was pretty drunk.

So, I'd resolved with Matt that we were going to get totally drunk and messed up, and not hang around fifteen year-olds. Not ones that I was related to, anyway. After preparing a horrifying and illegal quantity of booze, and drinking half a bottle of Jack Daniels, we travelled to a house party of my mates, where people were sitting around, talking quietly and playing video games. AND NOT DRINKING.

Obviously we both felt that this was unacceptable, so we drank half our bottle of vodka in around ten minutes before corralling everyone in the room to play drinking games with us and stop playing Mario and Sonic go to the Olympic Games. It worked, because the rest of that evening is a blurry mess of embarrassing conversations, swearing, amusing hats and far, far too much further drinking. I definitly remember the cannabis laced vodka that was brought out later on, however, as I'm pretty sure that was the thing that gave me a hangover for two days afterwards. Oh, and sending a text to half my phonebook which reads: "New years day? More like new years gay." at four in the fucking morning. If you didn't get one, it's probably because I hate you. Or love you, insofar as your opinion on drunken early morning texts goes.

The second was a night out just last week, on Tuesday. Me and Matt had settled in for a bit of Dazed and Confused, a film which neither of us had seen in ages and which we soundly agreed was completely awesome, and we were about half way through and drinking beer when we got the call to go up to town for further drinking, and a pub quiz.

(Did I mention that it had snowed the night before? That is important. Bear it in mind, because it will be relevant later. There may be a quiz.)

So, finish film and beer, grab taxi and we're in town. Many beers later, me Matt and my buddy Chuggi are wandering home through the snow and doing associated drunk thing, like having a wee in the snow, doing backflips into the snow, and generally frolicing like massive drunken gaylords.

(A thought occurs. At no point did we backflip into snow that had been peed on. As far as I know.)

At any rate, at some point I decided it would be hilarious to steal Chuggi's hat, and then drag it through the snow so as to make it cold and wet. I think he'd said offhand that it was keeping his head nice and warm, so this was the sort of idea that makes the drunk person who takes control of my body when I've had a beer jump up and down with glee. Nabbing the hat, I had to lean over, while running to drag it in the snow. While I was on the concrete pavement. Which was covered with ice.

And so that's why my hand looks like I've attempted to grill it quite incompetantly. This also provides a more insightful answer to those of you who have already had the short explanation: "I fell over, and really well too."

Hey, will you look at that, I did manage to stretch out the holidays for a little while there. Woo yay. I'll be back tomorrow, updating away reguarly once again. And you know, it actually feels good to be back doing this.

Now playing: Tenacious D / Karate

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Schedule for the next couple of days.

So, I'm coming back up to uni this Saturday. I won't be restarting updates then, as I'll probably be busy with the minutiae of unpacking, then getting drunk and explaining in slurred phrases that I deeply love everyone at uni, before falling over in the bathroom and passing into blissful unconciousness.

However, the plan is, when I get up on Sunday, after clearing the beer bottles from my desk, and removing I'll piece together something about Christmas (Yay, I got some shoes) New Years (Let's see how many people I can send a text with "more like new years GAY" in) and everything in between (Man, Fallout 3 will actually make me fail this year. Shitballs.)

Then, updates will restart on Monday, as I continue the vaugely aimless and boring ramblings every single weekday, tirelessly broadcasting my thoughts into the void, endlessly spinning out the tiring dullery of an average student in packaged boredom. Forever.

See you Sunday!