Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Day Eighty Two: Guest Post by Sheepy Tree

This is courtesy of James' Blog. I am..well, grateful isn't exactly the right word for it...

So then, I'm pretty drunk right now, but not drunk enough to not kill zombies. Man I love Left 4 Dead, simple, unchallenging zombie killing at its finest.

I do need to walk home though, gay.

So apparently I need to pad out this post, I think its literary genius quite frankly, But apparently its not. So what to say............................................................................................

This isn't getting any longer, its like a bad essay. Hmm,

"Acid rain" is a popular term referring to the deposition of wet (rain, snow, sleet, fog and cloud water, dew) and dry (acidifying particles and gases) acidic components. A more accurate term is “acid deposition”. Distilled water, which contains no carbon dioxide, has a neutral pH of 7. Liquids with a pH less than 7 are acidic, and those with a pH greater than 7 are basic. “

The breast is the upper ventral region of an animal’s torso, particularly that of mammals, including human beings. The breasts of a female primate’s body contain the mammary glands, which secrete milk used to feed infants.

God, the LCR was jolly good fun tonight, much dancing and considering I wasn't going to drink, I think Andrew did quite well at lubricating me.

We also went to a talk by Sean Cagen (i think) who was held hostage for 4 months by the Taliban, bad times for him, but I got to ask him a question for my dissertation, so extra marks for me!!!!

Best go now, Drew's being a massive loser and wants to sleep. He has sold out this year, he used to be cool.



Now playing: The Kinks / He's Evil

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