Wednesday 12 November 2008

Day Forty Three: DEAD SPACE


I realised that I've been playing this game obsessively for the last week or so now, and I still haven't managed to eloquently state why exactly I really love this game. So, what I'm going to do is ramble a bit about it, and hopefully I'll be able to distil what eactly about this game sets it aside from everything else vying for my attention at the moment.

Firstly, it's a great riff on the original Alien movie, a crew of dudes who really are not capable of fighting forced to improvise against a clearly superior adversary. And, oh boy, do they figure out some interesting ways of fighting them. No start off with a pistol and work your way up nonsense here, no sir, because the first gun you get can slice limbs off. This is not gratuitous or just gore for the sake of gore, it actually becomes necessary to blow arms, legs, and indeed heads off of aliens in order to kill them.

Okay, yes, you do get a pulse rifle thing, but I'll allow that into the unconventional weapons group because the alternate fire mode plants the gun on the ground and makes it fire in a circle, which is always handy when things are trying to eat your face.

Secondly, the monsters themselves are fantastically designed, all requiring a different way to deal with them . Although, it does usually involve blowing arms off. But that shouldn't matter. Because any solution that involves arms being blown off your enemies is awesome.


Sorry. Callum's just walked in, and obviously we need to watch Jeffrey. Some things just need to be done. So I'll close by saying that Dead Space is fucking awesome, and you should buy it.

Or pirate it. I hear it's really easy to do.

1 comment:

ForniKate said...

hahaha! do i look stylish, or like some sort of gay superhero??